3/1 at 10:00 AM: Parents, coaches and players, the V2 director is struggling to get pools seeded. There are three really good teams in A pool and 5 or 6 teams that should be in C pool. Just a few minutes ago, I finally told the director at V2 to just move us up. Our teams are playing one pool too high, but I have never been one to shy away from competition. Seeding starts to occur following the 1st play dates and things will balance out. Just understand, this weekend could be difficult for our teams as competition will be stiff. I am sorry, but it helps V2's director and it lets the Worl/Filbrun team play against and experience some good competition. The Eurit/McClain team will be fine in B pool if they can serve. If they compete hard, cheer hard. This weekend is not one to get worked up over wins and defeats. Cheer three contacts. Cheer good serves. Cheer good effort.