Starting February 14 except Elementary
While the virus numbers continue to all being trending down, the percent of new infections is decreasing the slowest of all. By delaying the elementary an additional week, it does two things for us. First, I can get the gyms emptied out of the first the prior girls before the next wave enters. I can also get the equipment sprayed down. Second, there is a chance we will have the percent of infections down to single digits. That is not the 7% we were aiming for but close.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
The last day of December
6543 new cases. 99 deaths. 23.7% positive test results.
The last day of January
1733 new cases. 16 deaths. 16.7%
As of February 8
1065 new cases. 58 deaths. 14.8%
1.) 115 Signed Up
99 Registered
16 Not Playing
Why are the 16 not playing?
7 signed up online but did not return the paperwork.
3 did not want to wear a mask.
3 went to different clubs who have already started.
1 never sent a payment.
1 is not playing club anywhere.
1 we asked not to play
12's = 11 (this is a team)
13'3 = 9 (this is a team)
15's = 39 (this will be 4 teams: 11 for 7th/28 for three 8th grade teams)
16's = 36 (we anticipate 1 team) We anticipated 2 teams for months at 16's. What happened? Long story short, three things happened. 1.) We encouraged an 18's player to not play. The domino effect moved some kids up by a specific position. 2.) We have a number of sophomores playing 17's. 3.) A position crunch is killing us. As usual we have too many 5'4 passers and not enough 5'8 hitters. We are short middle hitters and left side hitters if we divide the 16's into two teams. It appears we are heading for one too big of a team. If we split into two teams, neither will be competitive.
17's = 8 (we anticipate 2 teams)
18's = 1 (there will be a team)
2.) When Will We Start? FEBRUARY 14 is a GO!!!!!
3.) AAU Registration
We have started the process of renewing past players and registering new players this week. All coaches are registered. 15% of players are registered.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
6.) Protocols for Starting
I suppose we need to start considering how February 14 looks.
a.) Junior high and high school will be playing in mask for sure. The elementary WILL NOT be wearing a mask.
b.) Parents, I am sorry. For a couple of weeks we will probably ask you to not enter the building unless you need to use the restroom or stretch for 5 minutes. Other than that, stay in your car. Go home. Go grab a bite to eat or shop. Good luck with that in Flora!
c.) Elementary practices will be 90 minutes. Jr. High two hours. High school two and a half hours.
7.) Play Dates
Finding play dates is becoming a struggle for the high school teams. Inside the NCIPL, which normally has 13-16 clubs playing, we have eight this season, and several of them are not allowed to host. Outside of the NCIPL, many of the cheaper ($150-$200) smaller tournaments have been cancelled. Our price structure does not allow us to pay $300-$450 for a tournament other than the 18's team. Our goal is to have each team play at least twice (three would be better). We shall see how this unfolds.
While the virus numbers continue to all being trending down, the percent of new infections is decreasing the slowest of all. By delaying the elementary an additional week, it does two things for us. First, I can get the gyms emptied out of the first the prior girls before the next wave enters. I can also get the equipment sprayed down. Second, there is a chance we will have the percent of infections down to single digits. That is not the 7% we were aiming for but close.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
The last day of December
6543 new cases. 99 deaths. 23.7% positive test results.
The last day of January
1733 new cases. 16 deaths. 16.7%
As of February 8
1065 new cases. 58 deaths. 14.8%
1.) 115 Signed Up
99 Registered
16 Not Playing
Why are the 16 not playing?
7 signed up online but did not return the paperwork.
3 did not want to wear a mask.
3 went to different clubs who have already started.
1 never sent a payment.
1 is not playing club anywhere.
1 we asked not to play
12's = 11 (this is a team)
13'3 = 9 (this is a team)
15's = 39 (this will be 4 teams: 11 for 7th/28 for three 8th grade teams)
16's = 36 (we anticipate 1 team) We anticipated 2 teams for months at 16's. What happened? Long story short, three things happened. 1.) We encouraged an 18's player to not play. The domino effect moved some kids up by a specific position. 2.) We have a number of sophomores playing 17's. 3.) A position crunch is killing us. As usual we have too many 5'4 passers and not enough 5'8 hitters. We are short middle hitters and left side hitters if we divide the 16's into two teams. It appears we are heading for one too big of a team. If we split into two teams, neither will be competitive.
17's = 8 (we anticipate 2 teams)
18's = 1 (there will be a team)
2.) When Will We Start? FEBRUARY 14 is a GO!!!!!
3.) AAU Registration
We have started the process of renewing past players and registering new players this week. All coaches are registered. 15% of players are registered.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
6.) Protocols for Starting
I suppose we need to start considering how February 14 looks.
a.) Junior high and high school will be playing in mask for sure. The elementary WILL NOT be wearing a mask.
b.) Parents, I am sorry. For a couple of weeks we will probably ask you to not enter the building unless you need to use the restroom or stretch for 5 minutes. Other than that, stay in your car. Go home. Go grab a bite to eat or shop. Good luck with that in Flora!
c.) Elementary practices will be 90 minutes. Jr. High two hours. High school two and a half hours.
7.) Play Dates
Finding play dates is becoming a struggle for the high school teams. Inside the NCIPL, which normally has 13-16 clubs playing, we have eight this season, and several of them are not allowed to host. Outside of the NCIPL, many of the cheaper ($150-$200) smaller tournaments have been cancelled. Our price structure does not allow us to pay $300-$450 for a tournament other than the 18's team. Our goal is to have each team play at least twice (three would be better). We shall see how this unfolds.