While the state numbers continue to reflect on a February 14 start date, you can imagine my disappointment when reading Monday morning New York Times I see Carroll County, Indiana, listed as an "Extremely High" risk for Covid-19. Great. We will stay positive and focus on the state numbers. Virus numbers in the state this past week have settled in a narrow range; however, this range is half the number reported earlier in the month. January 15 was the last time we had 4,000+ new cases. January 23 was the last time we hit 3,000+ new cases. We reported numbers that low this past week. In fact on Tuesday, 1/26, Indiana reported 1,777 new cases. The last time we reported 1,000+ cases before Tuesday was on October 26, 2020.
The percent of positive test has slowed down but continues downward. Today was 17.2%. Last time we were in the 17's was November 7, 2020. A small worry is the rate of the drop has really slowed. A week ago we were dropping a 1/2 percent to a percent every day. This week, we are only dropping 1/10 or 2/10's a day.
The news concerning the B.1.1.7 Covid 1-19 virus remains a worry. Experts are concerned by the heightened danger this new variant presents.
The million dollar question - is this "pause" we are experiencing with the end of this week's numbers a plateau where we will hold and then start back down or is it a plateau and we start seeing numbers creep up? Or what if we are stuck with these present numbers of 2000 new cases a day, 17% infections, and 45 deaths? Are these acceptable?
Here is a link to the CDC regarding the new virus.
1.) 115 Signed Up
99 Registered
16 Not Playing
Why are the 15 not playing?
7 signed up online but did not return the paperwork.
3 did not want to wear a mask.
3 went to different clubs who have already started.
1 never sent a payment.
1 is not playing club anywhere.
1 we asked not to play
12's = 11 (this is a team)
13's = 9 (this is a team)
15's = 39 (this will be 4 teams: 9 for 7th/27 for 8th)
16's = 32 (we anticipate 2 teams)
17's = 10 (we anticipate 2 teams)
2.) When Will We Start? FEBRUARY 14!
We are looking to start February 14. The complication is the numbers have sort of stagnated over the last 4 days.
Watching the numbers at the state's dashboard will give you insight into what I am thinking. I was hoping reach the September numbers listed below. If the momentum continues down, I think mid October numbers are more realistic.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
The last day of December
6543 new cases. 99 deaths. 23.7% positive test results.
The last day of January
1733 new cases. 16 deaths. 16.7%
Folks, we want to keep the girls and coaches safe. We also do not want to embarrass Carroll Schools by making the news as a super spreader event due to club volleyball. We care not how the numbers go down. We just want them to keep trending down.
3.) AAU Registration
We have started the process of renewing past players and registering new players this week. All coaches are registered. 15% of players are registered.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
6.) Protocols for Starting
I suppose we need to start considering how February 14 looks.
a.) Junior high and high school will be playing in mask for sure. The elementary is a maybe. I will speak with one of our 12's coaches, an elementary teacher, and our administration and see what they say regarding mask on our elementary age girls. I have seen some articles that speak to masked elementary being a bigger issue than not being masked.
b.) Parents, I am sorry. For a couple of weeks we will probably ask you to not enter the building unless you need to use the restroom or stretch for 5 minutes. Other than that, stay in your car. Go home. Go grab a bite to eat or shop. Good luck with that in Flora!
c.) Elementary practices will be 90 minutes. Jr. High two hours. High school two and a half hours.
d.) Elementary practices will start at 12:30. 7th graders will also start at 12:30. These teams are listed on the team pages. 17's will start at 2:00. 18's at 2:30. Then we need to sort through the 16's and assign court space for 16's and 8th grader teams.
7.) Play Dates
Finding play dates is becoming a struggle. Inside the NCIPL, which normally has 13-16 clubs playing, we have five this season, and several of them are not allowed to host. Outside of the NCIPL, many of the cheaper ($150-$200) smaller tournaments have been cancelled. Our price structure does not allow us to pay $300-$450 for a tournament other than the 18's team. Our goal is to have each team play at least twice (three would be better). We shall see how this unfolds.
The percent of positive test has slowed down but continues downward. Today was 17.2%. Last time we were in the 17's was November 7, 2020. A small worry is the rate of the drop has really slowed. A week ago we were dropping a 1/2 percent to a percent every day. This week, we are only dropping 1/10 or 2/10's a day.
The news concerning the B.1.1.7 Covid 1-19 virus remains a worry. Experts are concerned by the heightened danger this new variant presents.
The million dollar question - is this "pause" we are experiencing with the end of this week's numbers a plateau where we will hold and then start back down or is it a plateau and we start seeing numbers creep up? Or what if we are stuck with these present numbers of 2000 new cases a day, 17% infections, and 45 deaths? Are these acceptable?
Here is a link to the CDC regarding the new virus.
1.) 115 Signed Up
99 Registered
16 Not Playing
Why are the 15 not playing?
7 signed up online but did not return the paperwork.
3 did not want to wear a mask.
3 went to different clubs who have already started.
1 never sent a payment.
1 is not playing club anywhere.
1 we asked not to play
12's = 11 (this is a team)
13's = 9 (this is a team)
15's = 39 (this will be 4 teams: 9 for 7th/27 for 8th)
16's = 32 (we anticipate 2 teams)
17's = 10 (we anticipate 2 teams)
2.) When Will We Start? FEBRUARY 14!
We are looking to start February 14. The complication is the numbers have sort of stagnated over the last 4 days.
Watching the numbers at the state's dashboard will give you insight into what I am thinking. I was hoping reach the September numbers listed below. If the momentum continues down, I think mid October numbers are more realistic.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
The last day of December
6543 new cases. 99 deaths. 23.7% positive test results.
The last day of January
1733 new cases. 16 deaths. 16.7%
Folks, we want to keep the girls and coaches safe. We also do not want to embarrass Carroll Schools by making the news as a super spreader event due to club volleyball. We care not how the numbers go down. We just want them to keep trending down.
3.) AAU Registration
We have started the process of renewing past players and registering new players this week. All coaches are registered. 15% of players are registered.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
6.) Protocols for Starting
I suppose we need to start considering how February 14 looks.
a.) Junior high and high school will be playing in mask for sure. The elementary is a maybe. I will speak with one of our 12's coaches, an elementary teacher, and our administration and see what they say regarding mask on our elementary age girls. I have seen some articles that speak to masked elementary being a bigger issue than not being masked.
b.) Parents, I am sorry. For a couple of weeks we will probably ask you to not enter the building unless you need to use the restroom or stretch for 5 minutes. Other than that, stay in your car. Go home. Go grab a bite to eat or shop. Good luck with that in Flora!
c.) Elementary practices will be 90 minutes. Jr. High two hours. High school two and a half hours.
d.) Elementary practices will start at 12:30. 7th graders will also start at 12:30. These teams are listed on the team pages. 17's will start at 2:00. 18's at 2:30. Then we need to sort through the 16's and assign court space for 16's and 8th grader teams.
7.) Play Dates
Finding play dates is becoming a struggle. Inside the NCIPL, which normally has 13-16 clubs playing, we have five this season, and several of them are not allowed to host. Outside of the NCIPL, many of the cheaper ($150-$200) smaller tournaments have been cancelled. Our price structure does not allow us to pay $300-$450 for a tournament other than the 18's team. Our goal is to have each team play at least twice (three would be better). We shall see how this unfolds.