entry as of 12/22/2020 at 11:30 AM
Start Up Information
1.) 101 + 2 = 103 Signed Up
2.) When Will We Start?
Watch the numbers for the state. We want numbers that are similar to September.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
December 18, 2020
6088 new cases. 84 deaths. 24.4% positive test results.
Folks, we want to keep the girls and coaches safe. We also do not want to embarrass Carroll Schools by making the news as a super spreader event due to club volleyball. We care not how the numbers come down. Be it more people following medical experts and their suggestions. Vaccines. Herd Immunity (stupid option as death rate soars). Nicer weather. Combination. I have no care. We just want them heading down.
With current numbers and our historic first or second Sunday in January start date looming, we think it is safe to start considering a February 7 start date. This is not in stone, but it is what we are leaning toward. Once we decide to start, we will provide at least two weeks notice.
3.) Registration
If you did not receive an email with 6 attachments, please reach out and let us know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back. We now have 45 families with paperwork returned. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
Start Up Information
1.) 101 + 2 = 103 Signed Up
2.) When Will We Start?
Watch the numbers for the state. We want numbers that are similar to September.
The last day of September:
965 new cases. 20 deaths. 7.0% positive test results.
December 18, 2020
6088 new cases. 84 deaths. 24.4% positive test results.
Folks, we want to keep the girls and coaches safe. We also do not want to embarrass Carroll Schools by making the news as a super spreader event due to club volleyball. We care not how the numbers come down. Be it more people following medical experts and their suggestions. Vaccines. Herd Immunity (stupid option as death rate soars). Nicer weather. Combination. I have no care. We just want them heading down.
With current numbers and our historic first or second Sunday in January start date looming, we think it is safe to start considering a February 7 start date. This is not in stone, but it is what we are leaning toward. Once we decide to start, we will provide at least two weeks notice.
3.) Registration
If you did not receive an email with 6 attachments, please reach out and let us know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back. We now have 45 families with paperwork returned. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club. ADDITIONAL COST will be calculated and charged as we incur cost on your behalf. This is such a strange year with the virus.
5.) How to Access the Blog
Click on the Tab at the top left marked "CIViC Home". It will expose a drop down box. Click on "A director's rantings". The blog is there.
entry as of 12/13/20 at 11:45 AM
Stating Up Information
1.) One Hundred and One
We have held steady at this number for the past several days.
2.) Numbers and Teams
We are in surprisingly decent shape in how the numbers spread out by team and positions.
4th/5th grade = 10 players
6th grade = 10 players
7th grade = 11 players (awkward number being a bit too big for one team and two small for two)
8th grade = 24 players (going with 3 teams if we can cover all the positions. We have enough setters and passers. Hitters?)
9th/10th grade = 35 players (Approximately a dozen of these are varsity players who are good enough to play up at 17's).
11th/12th grade = 8 players (we will be running a team of 18's and at least one 17's team.)
3.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back to us from 18 families. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club.
entry as of 12/9/20
1.) One Hundred and One!
Who would have believed we would have over 100 players signed up?
2.) Insurance
We insured the club today with AAU. Submitted the required insurance forms with the school corporation and are on the agenda for the next board meeting.
3.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back to us. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable the club.
entry as of 12/2/20 at 5:30PM
Stating Up Information
1.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know.
2.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees, which in turn are not refundable.
3.) 15's (7th & 8th graders from spring 2020)
Credits for the 15's team will be rounded up to an even $100.
entry as of 11/18/20 at 2:30PM
Stating Up Information
1.) The virus continues to haunt Indiana. On 11/14, we set a record for new daily cases (8,451), on 11/17 we set a new record for deaths (84), and then today, 11/18, we set a new record in terms of the percent of positive cases (23.4%).
2.) Regarding competition, we know of two clubs that will not be playing in the NCIPL in 2022. We have two problems we experience when looking at playing outside of the power league we belong to. First is an old one. Cost. Tournaments outside the power league are anywhere from $200-$400. The other is new to the pandemic. It appears that most of the host clubs have decided that, if a tournament is cancelled, we forfeit half of the registration fee regardless of the reason. Talk about a money maker!
3.) Remember that we have no tryouts or signups. We are trying to stay out of group situations and keep everyone safe. Starting on November 29 I will email each family the PDF's of what we need filled out and signed. Those will be mailed back to us.
4.) The Gym Request form was accepted by my AD.
entry as of 11/13/20 at 2:30PM
Where We Are In Starting UP
1.) I have downloaded the gym request form and will turn that in for the board to mull over. I understand if they express reservations with having club in the gym.
2.) Big day today on the computer. One of my symptoms from my positive test was a heightened sensitivity to light and especially screens. It is hard to operate in the 21st century without a screen be it computer (the worst), mobile phone, i-Pad, or TV (the best). Two days in a row with no migraine like reactions!
3.) Bad week of virus numbers. The wisdom of not planning for in person parent meetings, sign ups, or possibly not starting in January is looking wise right now.
4.) Those 2021 fees are probably worthless. I need to calculate weekly cost. That way I can create a fee structure based on when we start and if we have hiccups occur after starting.
5.) Please be sure to scroll down and fill out the CIViC Information Sheet. It is more important than usual.
6.) When we start, we are going to follow the example of the NAIA, where we have three former CIViC girls playing, we will be playing masked. They say it is not bad.
7.) Once we start back up, we are going to ask parents not to enter the building. This is going to be a major inconvenience as we practice outside of Flora, Indiana, which offers next to nowhere to go. Want to shop? Welcome to the Dollar General. Want to eat? Welcome to the Spirit convenience mart/gas station. I am not laughing as I type. We are taking these steps (mask, late starting date, no adults) to keep the players, coaches, and adults safe. It also hopefully shows the board that we are being intelligent about this and good stewards of the space.
8.) There will not be an in-person parent meeting or sign ups at the end of November.
entry as of 11/4/20 at 10:20PM
A Go.
I spoke with my AD today and received his approval to move forward with club. Tomorrow I will start the process of getting the paperwork submitted for CIViC.
I sent out an email last Sunday to the directors of the clubs to get some feedback from them. It would be nice to have some competition.
Please keep in mind that just a week ago I typed 2,000+ new cases and 13% positive testing. Today, one week later we are near 4,000 cases and 17% positive testing. And it is only November.
We will start the 18's in January. That is the only team starting in January. There will be little change if the virus numbers do not explode impacting this team. It is small enough that we can gather safely (I hope) and be picky about where we go to compete.
We will hold off starting the other age groups until March or if the virus numbers deem it necessary, even after spring break hoping warm weather and common sense will push the numbers down. Maybe the numbers peak early allowing us to start sooner, but I am doubtful. For planning, I am aiming for a March start.
Play dates will be reduced. That is a given with a late start, but we might be struggling to find competition. A number of clubs do not believe they will be fielding teams in 2021. I only know of one club that is already shut down, but another 1/2 dozen are not sure. We most likely will bring teams in on weeknights to make up for missing January and February practices.
I have always felt and stated that practices are more important than any play date for every age group other than the 18's.
I am feeling better since testing positive, but I am still surprised at how uncomfortable I am looking at a computer screen or my phone. It is a challenge.
I need to sit down and calculate the discounts for the various age groups from last season and calculate changes necessary to price structure.
entry as of 10/26/20 at 11:20AM
Go or No Go? Even if allowed, do we do so? We played Saturday without two girls. Then, a boyfriend tested positive. We await the results from the Viney family. Gretchen and I head for testing in Zionsville as soon as I post this. All this on top of 13% positive testing and 2,000+ new cases in Indiana most days last week. We are considering a number of possible steps. Maybe we do not start until after spring break? Not starting until the percent of positive cases starts down? Only play a couple of play dates? No parents? Maybe smaller tournaments with smaller numbers involved? No milling about. Going like NAIA and require play in mask? I am thinking aloud. This is getting complicated. Especially with the federal leadership surrendering any idea of getting out front of this and leading.
Stating Up Information
1.) One Hundred and One
We have held steady at this number for the past several days.
2.) Numbers and Teams
We are in surprisingly decent shape in how the numbers spread out by team and positions.
4th/5th grade = 10 players
6th grade = 10 players
7th grade = 11 players (awkward number being a bit too big for one team and two small for two)
8th grade = 24 players (going with 3 teams if we can cover all the positions. We have enough setters and passers. Hitters?)
9th/10th grade = 35 players (Approximately a dozen of these are varsity players who are good enough to play up at 17's).
11th/12th grade = 8 players (we will be running a team of 18's and at least one 17's team.)
3.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back to us from 18 families. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable to our club.
entry as of 12/9/20
1.) One Hundred and One!
Who would have believed we would have over 100 players signed up?
2.) Insurance
We insured the club today with AAU. Submitted the required insurance forms with the school corporation and are on the agenda for the next board meeting.
3.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know. Paperwork is starting to be mailed back to us. Thank you.
4.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees with AAU both for your child and the club, and in turn, those are not refundable the club.
entry as of 12/2/20 at 5:30PM
Stating Up Information
1.) Sign Ups
Everyone who is signed up should have received an email with 6 attachments. If you did not receive an email, please reach out and let me know.
2.) Families who are new to CIViC
If you are new to CIViC, please know that the $20, you are sending with your paperwork is not refundable. It is being spent on membership fees, which in turn are not refundable.
3.) 15's (7th & 8th graders from spring 2020)
Credits for the 15's team will be rounded up to an even $100.
entry as of 11/18/20 at 2:30PM
Stating Up Information
1.) The virus continues to haunt Indiana. On 11/14, we set a record for new daily cases (8,451), on 11/17 we set a new record for deaths (84), and then today, 11/18, we set a new record in terms of the percent of positive cases (23.4%).
2.) Regarding competition, we know of two clubs that will not be playing in the NCIPL in 2022. We have two problems we experience when looking at playing outside of the power league we belong to. First is an old one. Cost. Tournaments outside the power league are anywhere from $200-$400. The other is new to the pandemic. It appears that most of the host clubs have decided that, if a tournament is cancelled, we forfeit half of the registration fee regardless of the reason. Talk about a money maker!
3.) Remember that we have no tryouts or signups. We are trying to stay out of group situations and keep everyone safe. Starting on November 29 I will email each family the PDF's of what we need filled out and signed. Those will be mailed back to us.
4.) The Gym Request form was accepted by my AD.
entry as of 11/13/20 at 2:30PM
Where We Are In Starting UP
1.) I have downloaded the gym request form and will turn that in for the board to mull over. I understand if they express reservations with having club in the gym.
2.) Big day today on the computer. One of my symptoms from my positive test was a heightened sensitivity to light and especially screens. It is hard to operate in the 21st century without a screen be it computer (the worst), mobile phone, i-Pad, or TV (the best). Two days in a row with no migraine like reactions!
3.) Bad week of virus numbers. The wisdom of not planning for in person parent meetings, sign ups, or possibly not starting in January is looking wise right now.
4.) Those 2021 fees are probably worthless. I need to calculate weekly cost. That way I can create a fee structure based on when we start and if we have hiccups occur after starting.
5.) Please be sure to scroll down and fill out the CIViC Information Sheet. It is more important than usual.
6.) When we start, we are going to follow the example of the NAIA, where we have three former CIViC girls playing, we will be playing masked. They say it is not bad.
7.) Once we start back up, we are going to ask parents not to enter the building. This is going to be a major inconvenience as we practice outside of Flora, Indiana, which offers next to nowhere to go. Want to shop? Welcome to the Dollar General. Want to eat? Welcome to the Spirit convenience mart/gas station. I am not laughing as I type. We are taking these steps (mask, late starting date, no adults) to keep the players, coaches, and adults safe. It also hopefully shows the board that we are being intelligent about this and good stewards of the space.
8.) There will not be an in-person parent meeting or sign ups at the end of November.
entry as of 11/4/20 at 10:20PM
A Go.
I spoke with my AD today and received his approval to move forward with club. Tomorrow I will start the process of getting the paperwork submitted for CIViC.
I sent out an email last Sunday to the directors of the clubs to get some feedback from them. It would be nice to have some competition.
Please keep in mind that just a week ago I typed 2,000+ new cases and 13% positive testing. Today, one week later we are near 4,000 cases and 17% positive testing. And it is only November.
We will start the 18's in January. That is the only team starting in January. There will be little change if the virus numbers do not explode impacting this team. It is small enough that we can gather safely (I hope) and be picky about where we go to compete.
We will hold off starting the other age groups until March or if the virus numbers deem it necessary, even after spring break hoping warm weather and common sense will push the numbers down. Maybe the numbers peak early allowing us to start sooner, but I am doubtful. For planning, I am aiming for a March start.
Play dates will be reduced. That is a given with a late start, but we might be struggling to find competition. A number of clubs do not believe they will be fielding teams in 2021. I only know of one club that is already shut down, but another 1/2 dozen are not sure. We most likely will bring teams in on weeknights to make up for missing January and February practices.
I have always felt and stated that practices are more important than any play date for every age group other than the 18's.
I am feeling better since testing positive, but I am still surprised at how uncomfortable I am looking at a computer screen or my phone. It is a challenge.
I need to sit down and calculate the discounts for the various age groups from last season and calculate changes necessary to price structure.
entry as of 10/26/20 at 11:20AM
Go or No Go? Even if allowed, do we do so? We played Saturday without two girls. Then, a boyfriend tested positive. We await the results from the Viney family. Gretchen and I head for testing in Zionsville as soon as I post this. All this on top of 13% positive testing and 2,000+ new cases in Indiana most days last week. We are considering a number of possible steps. Maybe we do not start until after spring break? Not starting until the percent of positive cases starts down? Only play a couple of play dates? No parents? Maybe smaller tournaments with smaller numbers involved? No milling about. Going like NAIA and require play in mask? I am thinking aloud. This is getting complicated. Especially with the federal leadership surrendering any idea of getting out front of this and leading.