Wabash: Hosted at Wabash Jr/Sr. High School. 580 N. Miami St. Wabash IN 46992 48.6 miles 54 minutes
There will be NO CONCESSION stand. There will be a designated food area with tables for each club. There is plenty of fast food just minutes away.
There will be “T-Shirt ladies” in the hallway of Coolman gym making/selling custom vball shirts. Please tell your players
This is a noon start. Doors open at 11:15.
15-7's enter at door #7 to the high school gym.
15-8's enter either door 10 or 16 to Coolman gym. Be on court at 11:30 as we play first.
Pool A. (Ct. 1) Pool B. (Ct. 2)
1 vs 3 (2 ref)
2 vs 3 (1 ref).
1 vs 2 (3 ref)
Pool play will be followed by a cross-over match.
Match Play
1 vs 3 with 2 officiating
2 vs 4 with 1 officiating
1 vs 4 with 3 officiating
2 vs 3 with 1 officiating
3 vs 4 with 2 officiating
1 vs 2 with 4 officiating
There will be NO CONCESSION stand. There will be a designated food area with tables for each club. There is plenty of fast food just minutes away.
There will be “T-Shirt ladies” in the hallway of Coolman gym making/selling custom vball shirts. Please tell your players
This is a noon start. Doors open at 11:15.
15-7's enter at door #7 to the high school gym.
15-8's enter either door 10 or 16 to Coolman gym. Be on court at 11:30 as we play first.
Pool A. (Ct. 1) Pool B. (Ct. 2)
- Cass Co. 1) Civic 15-8's
- V2. 2) Wabash
- Knights. 3) Lincoln
1 vs 3 (2 ref)
2 vs 3 (1 ref).
1 vs 2 (3 ref)
Pool play will be followed by a cross-over match.
- Lincoln-2
- V2-2
- CIViC- Ayres & Perry
- CIViC- Pontigo & Miller
Match Play
1 vs 3 with 2 officiating
2 vs 4 with 1 officiating
1 vs 4 with 3 officiating
2 vs 3 with 1 officiating
3 vs 4 with 2 officiating
1 vs 2 with 4 officiating