Lincoln - Hosted at Western Wayne Elementary School. 801 E. Delaware St. Cambridge City, IN 47327 117 miles 2 hours and 13 minutes.
Doors open at 12:15. Be there at 12:40. No outside food or drinks. Lincoln usually has a pretty nice concession stand. Chair in a Bag is allowed and recommended. Please be sure your chairs have a rubber bottom on it. There are no printed COVID protocols. CIViC is in a 4-team pool. We Ref. Play. Ref. Play Play. Head home.
Doors open at 12:15. Be there at 12:40. No outside food or drinks. Lincoln usually has a pretty nice concession stand. Chair in a Bag is allowed and recommended. Please be sure your chairs have a rubber bottom on it. There are no printed COVID protocols. CIViC is in a 4-team pool. We Ref. Play. Ref. Play Play. Head home.